Monday, December 21, 2009

Please, Sin #27

Watching the smoke dance out of a cigarette is like watching a girl dance out of her dress. ~D.H. Mondfleur

I kissed my first girl and smoked my first cigarette on the same day. I haven't had time for tobacco since. ~Arturo Toscanini

(Artist: William M. Rittase, recalling the Félicien Ropps' crucifix)

There's something luxurious about having a girl light your cigarette. In fact, I got married once on account of that. ~Harold Robbins

Remember, if you smoke after sex you're doing it too fast. ~Woody Allen

Smoke your pipe and be silent; there's only wind and smoke in the world. ~Irish Proverb

(lifted from 'heroin-chic')

The believing we do something when we do nothing is the first illusion of tobacco. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

A cigarette is the perfect type of a perfect pleasure. It is exquisite, and it leaves one unsatisfied. What more can one want? ~Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

Nonetheless, I was born to smoke opium. More precisely, I was born to smoke opium in an opium den.
Why opium? Thomas De Quincey’s description of it as “the celestial drug” is not far from perfect: “Here,” said he, “was a panacea, a φάρμ˘ακον νηπενθές, for all human woes; here was the secret of happiness about which the philosophers had disputed for so many ages, at once discovered.” This celestial drug, this panacea, “communicates serenity and equipoise to all the faculties, active or passive,” and “introduces amongst them the most exquisite order, legislation, and harmony.” No one, “having once tasted the divine luxuries of opium, will afterwards descend to the gross and mortal enjoyments of alcohol.” Nick Toshes - Confessions of an Opium-Seeker

Epiphany is hard Labour too #22

Artist: Françoise Nielly.

Please, Sin #26

Christmas is coming. Looking forward the ceremony of the gift...
(Artist: labmassiv )

I put light in my paintings that does not exist in my country #26

Bruxelles, Gare du nord (nearby the welcoming angel over the peepshow)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Please, Sin #25

And remember that intelligent men have better sperm.
(Artist connoisseur of shades: Andrei Liankevich, Belarus, 2007 - Click on the shadowiness' power to be raised)

I put light in my paintings that does not exist in my country #24

Bruxelles, Jardin Botanique.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Please, Sin #24 (provided you share my political rules)

Posted by Julie-Jeanne: We knew that marketing is a natural child (a love child?) of psychoanalysis, notably thanks to Edward Louis Bernays who developped the former in applying the latter; Phoenix Corp - creator of the above-mentioned site - enjoys to cope with it and proposes in France a miracle hammer to smash up your timeless single status: pretend that sex has political ideas and that sex is better once you share the same votes.
For now the phantasy is for free.
This phantasy implies that ideas supersedes everything (Marx and Plato support this) and that ideas may purify everything (the Khmer Rouge second also this): Improving the species through selection was called in XXth century 'eugenics'. It is so much funnier in the XXIst century. Let us pray for the holy comeback on Earth of the libertine Messia along with his whip:

(Coat of arms of Marquis de Sade)

Les psychotiques sont des animistes comme les autres #19

Posted by Camille : The Sprinkle Brigade 's team has commited into a WAR AGAINST EVIL (bis repetita placet): the faecal barriers to reverie, the biological weapons of anti-diligent mines, i.e. the nasty revenge of dogs on humans.
Watch your feet.
Hazard is massive.
Collateral damages on happy morning and tired evening are countless.
Sprinkle Brigade is without fear.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Epiphany is hard Labour too #21



Knight with flowers in the end of XIXth century's imagination (Le chevalier aux fleurs, Rochegrosse, 1894) and in the end of XX century's (Bansky). Being at (floral) peace is not an apparent modern option.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

I put light in my paintings that does not exist in my country #24

Shaerbeek. Noisy freezing crows - corvus frugilegus - ready to fly everywhere once they spot some potential food on our roofs (Click on the midst to be enlighted). Like my tax inspector.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Please, Sin #23 (but with a condom for the sake of Earth's climate)


The world needs innovative ideas on how to bring both high-emitting and low-emitting countries to an agreement that can reduce gas-emissions. Here is a good one.

UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, has an anti-catholic idea: safe-sex (in its technocratic terms it refers to "environmentally sustainable population dynamics" & "population control").

The statement is as follows: "There are strong linkages and correlation between population growth and emission of greenhouse gases that cause climate change, and ... communities experiencing high population growth are also most vulnerable to the negative effects of climate change, such as water scarcity, failed crops, rise in sea level, and the spread of infectious diseases.".

Obviously, one of the leading and self-depressing idea of the UNFPA's report is that humans' activities pollute per se its biotope.

We know now how to limit intrinsic cow's emissions (a new garlic-based feed additive cuts the methane gas produced by the animals in half); let us hope the same requirement will not be applied to our threaten species, though we all agree to say that garlic is lovely.

But in the meantime, the UNFPA's message is clear-cut and i.a. shares Claude Lévi-Strauss' views: the current growth of the world population is unbearable.

Quotes: "Greenhouse gases would not be accumulating so hazardously had the number of earth's inhabitants not increased so rapidly "; "The importance of the speed and magnitude of recent population growth in boosting future greenhouse-gas emissions is well recognized among scientists, including the authors of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's reports. Slower population growth in both developed and developing countries may help ease the task of bringing global emissions into balance with the atmosphere in the long run and enabling more immediate adaptation to change already under way."

It is not sure the news will be correctly reported to the interested parties in newspapers and in the coverage of Copenhagen's summit (" The connection between population growth and the accumulation of greenhouse gases has barely featured in the scientific and diplomatic discussions so far.").

Lévi-Strauss' views in his time already upseted UNESCO's civil-servants regarding the harmful impact of demographic inflation.

Nevertheless it is worth shouting at it with the United-Nations' blessing: "Go, go, go ahead: coitus interuptus, sodomy, pill, intrauterine device, condom fight against climate-change. Let us climax for the climate.".

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

No Time yet for Serenity, even for a Brestoise #14

(Exhaling artist: Rita Barros , Last cigarette #5, 2005)

"There is no female Mozart because there is no female Jack the Ripper".
Camille Paglia.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Les psychotiques sont des animistes comme les autres #17

(Living wall: the Spanish Agency of the Urban Subconscious)

I put light in my paintings that does not exist in my country #23

(Bruxelles. Italian fashion-victim trying second-hand fancy shoes in Place du Jeu de Balle's market)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Please, Sin #22

(Bruxelles, Les Marolles. Click on the umbrella to note that Martine, in tiny red, is just under the motto...)

I put light in my paintings that does not exist in my country #22

Bruxelles, petit Sablon.

Belgium is mainly a two-languages country: one speaks French and one speaks Flemish.

«Brol» is a common word used in both idioms; it designates the sweat chaos you may meet or create in Brussels. It does not refer to a threat (‘brol’ is is not an overwhelming chaos) but to a fate (it is everywhere: in your room, in the pavement’s alignment and, overall, in the daily administration of Belgium). It is a state of (Belgian) things.

Because of that state of (Belgian) things, Brussels cannot bear the usual postmodern critics made to capitals of postmodern Occident in London, Paris, Pragues, etc, regarding the commodity fetichism, the reification of the living, the sovereignty of perpetual present and the fact that the Real is not only what can be reproduced but that which is always already reproduced.

Brussels cannot shoulder them as it cannot aspire to become London, Paris or Pragues: the ‘brol’ sooner or later erupts. It then brings impurity to any holistic approach of urban life (anxiety for cleaning, aligning, golding & for town museification).

Besides, there is a strong habit in Brussels for sticking on one’s -professional or private- window some posters, poems or slogans. Nevertheless, regarding the hereabove picture, to display so bluntly death in the windows of the town is unique. Death is part of the 'brol'.

Nobody knows to whom this skull belongs but it reigns in liberty among buterflies in Brussels’ appearances.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Epiphany is hard Labour too #19

(Artist: ljlife - pictures taken in Los Angeles, U.S.- & remember: "Burning ashes and smokes is good for your mental health")