Monday, October 18, 2010

Worst EU Lobbying Awards 2010 : competition is launched !

In the EU mechanisms, consulting economic forces & being communicated positions or claims from lobbyists is an institutional routine, for NGOS as for industries (Democracy may take many forms and shapes).
Nevertheless, some of those representatives or spokesmen deserve from time to time a distinction for being such a "slap-me-face" lobbyists when they meet the Legislator for promoting their interests.
Friends of the Earth Europe and LobbyControl have decided to highlight those 'slap-me-faces': nominees are (here comes the democratic shame):

Worst climate lobbying:
* BusinessEurope
* ArcelorMittal

Worst financial lobbying:
* Royal Bank of Scotland
* Goldman Sachs and derivatives lobby group ISDA
* Hedge fund and private-equity lobby group AIMA and EVCA

You can even vote with full knowledge to grant the Worst EU Lobbying Award to one of them.

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