In a Madoof-mood as you feel that Mother-Earth becomes more and more tired of its blind parasites? Take a iMojito & learn that future is in your hands and the booty:
"-Rhô, what an ugly face, come on, make a fine effort & feel my animal spirit! I recall we do that to maintain cosmos’ unity. Put yourself into it my Peruvian sweatness! -Good lords! Each moon’s cycle it’s the same mascarade: you leave, allegedly for hunting jaguars with your naked buddies, you come back home with two monkeys and a mezcal’s breath...
-This is called a retreat my ‘sweat flower of the jungle’ and it purposes to purify the Man’s soul, come on! -You may have it a bit more pure but your glabrous balls are particularly squeezed if you need my opinion... Did the leeches did that?
-The two monkeys?
-Rhô, my Mochican ‘honey of the moon’, my sacred booty, what a tricky imagination you have there, calm down and smile, the village looks at us...
-Wait: You come home, the shaman hits -with more or less skills- his tambourin made with anonymous buttocks, and here we go, you take me on the pirogue of love in the middle of the village...
-Lucky you, the valorous hunter celebrates gods...
-... with his housewife...
-... and fertilize the universe. Our community relies on it. Ask the shaman...
-This Precolumbian buddy of yours?
-You know well this ritual of sacrifice is vital to ensure cosmos’ unity. Come on, be sensual!
-Are you kiddin’ me ? What is your part of sacrifice, you tell me?
-Rhô, I give my seminal energy to the cosmos, as the village can testify. We are offerings to the land’s clemency...
-With your stinking redness? I can hear no more of this! Take what you have but do not ask for the housewife’s smile... -Come on! A tiny smile! One looks at us, from the sky, from the jungle, from the village! I’ll offer you jaguar’s bones, spoons in turquoise and jungle’s feathers!
-Same old song. Make fertile the universe if you want but please! be silent. Now give me mezcal too and let us finish this too-long fertilization for gods’ sake!"
The exhibition "Sex, death and sacrifice in the Mochica religion" in Quai Branly Museum put together (it ended on 23 May) for the first time in Europe 134 Mochica ceramics depicting sexual or sacrificial acts. Deciphering the ceramics' meanings so far has been pure speculation but pupils -running in groups from a piece to another- loved it. (Thanks to Saint-Deg)
Crouching and Screaming
Wonderful 1978 illustrations by Outi Markkanen (Finland, b.1951) on Kuriosas.
Visit the link for many more illustrations from *Kurnau ja Kamaluu*.
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