Friday, July 30, 2010

I put light in my paintings that does not exist in my country #48

This is not extracted from dreams. This is a recording of Namibia's reality. By Alvero Sanchez-Montanes.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Please, Sin & do not hesitate to try satisfaction #106

In Brazil's way of life:
Respondents having sex weekly:82%
Respondents satisfied:42%

In Russia's chaos:
Respondents having sex weekly:80%
Respondents satisfied:42%

In China's plants:
Respondents having sex weekly:78%
Respondents satisfied:42%

Golden medal for the catholic devotion in Mexico:
Respondents having sex weekly:71%
& Respondents satisfied:63% !!

All the boastful lies are here.

Please, Sin me with devotion #105

According to a study, people in the US who rarely go to church have 31 percent more sex than people who regularly go to church.
"Extremely devout people are also less likely to masturbate and use vibrators" the study reports.
To devote or not to devote, that is the dildo. (Photo: Man Ray, 1933)

Psychotics are animists, just like others #35

English artist anxious of giving attention to urban consumerism with all the post-contemporary artistic methods (i.a. metonymy and caricature) but without puting amusement in oblivion:
Laura Keebles (18th July 2010, 8.45am), "Wish you were here?..." (Essex.UK):

"The mermaid sculpture was almost surrounded by Ground coffee, coffee beans, coffee house cups and ephemera. I liked the idea of her drowning in this stuff".

Monday, July 26, 2010

Style is what remains once chaos put you down #18

"(...) Je la comparerais à un soleil noir, si l'on pouvait concevoir un astre noir versant la lumière et le bonheur.
Il y a des femmes qui inspirent l'envie de les vaincre et de jouir d'elles; mais celle-ci donne le désir de mourir lentement sous son regard."
in Le Spleen de Paris,
Le désir de peindre,
Charles Beaudelaire.

Possible preventive key to suicide:

Los pelos más largos en las orejas

En el norte de la India, este hombre trata de batir su propio récord Guinness. Su mérito consiste en tener una paciencia equivalente a la longitud del vello en sus orejas. En el vecindario todo el mundo lo conoce. Hace unos años se convirtió en toda una celebridad gracias a estos pelos. Ahora, a sus 55 años, Radha está orgulloso de haber logrado romper su propio récord y lucir sin tapujos una pelambrera que alcanza los 28 centímetros de largo.

Rainfall into the Mental Marketing's rainfall #16

May the caffein be with you,
Pax tecum,

"The Vancouver Transit Adspace Re-appropriation Project, or V-TARP, intends to reclaim the highly sought after mindspace used by corporations to communicate with the public, by collecting artworks from across the globe and installing them in the transit adspace."
Click on click to be clicked to their nice clicks.

Please, Sin & inspire my morality #104

At least a gay fantasy comes true: all roads lead to gay Rome.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Epiphany is hard Labour too #50

Danish artist & magician of patience: Peter Callesen.

XXIst century's icons & myths mapping our daily roaming en el Laberinto de la soledad #36 (The Swedish Reputation)

Clichés of good old days of XXst century have a hard time: It is unfortunately reported that Swedish women equate jogging with sex.

"Jogging is more important than a slew of other social activities, and is as important as sex and time with the family, according to a new survey of Swedish women by iFORM lifestyle magazine."

Under the French gipes and the Italian threats - to stick to other, but still available, clichés -, Swedish males working in the European Commission could be incited soon to tackle this issue that has - at least we can agree with that - a strong potential of international feature.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Lifted from the magic and never-tiring PostSecret site.

Style is what remains once chaos put you down #17 ('Digital Drug')

In the USA, the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics seriously considers that listening to music may create drug-abuse effects.
The Rolling Stones of the first ages could certainly second that opinion.
The Bureau consequently warned Oklahoma-based parents about a so-called 'I-dosing', a kind of eDrug or iL$D that is actually pretty well-marketed to the bored Western youth.
Unfortunately the music in case is dramatically awful and the Bureau should rather sue the musicians for artistic malfeasance, criminal bad taste and musical fault. It is a pure shame for the youth to escape from the Global Museum with such a bad trip: parents in Oklahoma, wake up, be gentle enough to educate your bored offspring with whether a correct drug-education or, at least, a real musical background...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010