Friday, April 30, 2010

XXIst century's icons & myths mapping our daily roaming en el Laberinto de la soledad #29 (Human Rights)

Why in a world of slogans where a commercial instrument or a communication event is abusively called a ‘concept’ and where the loss of their literal meanings is accepted in a common agreement, cannot we put the charters of fundamental rights into poems?

Because, for once, lucidity dwells well in a European Commissioner's mind: Mrs Viviane Redding has kept her common sense -lucky us- and informed some bureaucrats of the 'slogan-world' they cannot ridicule a society’s pillars without endangering its own identity.

At case was the idea of the European Agency of Fundamental Rights to re-write the Charter of Fundamental right - a very legal & official tool- into a poem; this was blatantly criticised by the disillusioned Commissioner.

The idea was of course to make the Charter ‘accessible’ to dummies, i.e. to European citizens.

A bureaucrat ignores by definition what solemnity is; law to him has no symbolic dimension, it is a jumble of rules he must apply to all costs; in our case, this bureaucrat kindly wanted to convey those rules like he did for the Swine Flu's warnings for instance but in verses because, you know, he has a heart too.

"Bureaucrats with fine sentiments are the predators of the human kind" could be a new slogan to think about. Click here for details.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Please, Sin & handle or shuffle deep inside my alphabet but please leave new letters in it #90

2008 / ..., Credit-crunch got me & my student-job in Ljubljana #53

Lifted from Ekosystem: "Government is trying to abolish student work and replace it with "small work" which would be available for all people - students, elders ... Among them students are the only one without other income. Small work is drastically reducing working hours and payment. In those conditions students from other parts of Slovenia, without good financial background, could not afford to study in distant city (Ljubljana, Maribor, Koper ... ). Many of them need to work, because studying costs a lot of money when you need to pay place to live in, study material and to live in decent living conditions.

In attachment you have picture of statue which was placed in student halls of residence to remind students that many of them couldn't afford to study in those new conditions. In less than three hours the statue was ruin by hall officials ...

Study will be to expensive for many young prospective people who are the main driving force of development. What we need is intellectual society, which wouldn't blindly follow ideology of authorities!

University of Ljubljana was established in 1919. Don't let it end with the year of 2010!".

Pêche, mais rince-toi d'abord l'haleine #89

«Le bolide bolidait sur l’autoroute des hôtes informés, la nuit monoxyde étouffait les phares mais à l’arrière le Saint-Emilion tanguait.
L’hypophyse en zénith dans le haut de la nuque, passager C badinait dans la soie des sentiments mais le Saint-Emilion clapotait ses pensées, tentait -il le sentait- de faire main basse sur son zénith nocturne. Il trompait la menace en fondant sa main dans celle, fine et longue, que le sort esthétique ne lui avait pas encore volé.
Un message radio réveilla la nuit: «Attenzione, attenzione, vomissure dans trente secondes: passager C, baissez fissa la vitre bolidante. Attenzione, attenzione.».
«Emilion! Emilion!» cria l’équipée.
Le dipsomane passa la tête dans le vent pour désinhiber sa gorge avec conformité. Saint-Emilion tangua de plus en plus haut, clapotit, clapota, les chairs inquiètes s’essorèrent, puis les à-coups raclèrent l’oesophage, emportèrent de la silicone usée et expulsèrent enfin la Sainte bile chamane de l’Emilion. La vitesse recueillait les saintes expulsions, les modelait en sphères anonymes aussitôt transportées sur les autres pare-brises loin dans la nuit monoxyde.
A la faveur des coups de volant désopilant du passager A sur le béton durable, le bolide bolidant volutait les Saintes-expulsions grumiques que les phares adverses incendiaient. Inspiré par ces courbes, passager C entonna la Marseillaise pendant ces Saints-dégorgements, ce que l’équipée reprit en coeur: le XXIème siècle avait le futur incertain mais le présent intense.
Une fois soulagé, passager C se retira du vent. Il s’essuya alors la fatigue, retira quelques morceaux de sainteté d'entre ses dents et se retourna la bouche en coeur vers la source brune de son zénith délesté. Incrédule, la source lui signifia fermement une peur facialesque. Le bolide bolidait, certes, mais le rinçage devait attendre: la bouteille d’eau autoroutée la plus proche était au moins à une centaine de kilomètres.
La source brune lui prit toutefois la main sur la banquette: la tentation impossibilesque, telle était donc la définition de l’enfer.»

Pierrot Lapoisse, ‘CO2 mon amour’ (2019)

XXIst century's icons & myths mapping our daily roaming en el Laberinto de la soledad #28 (the adulthood's underbelly)

(globalised Snack-Barbie by Italian artist Franceso De Molfetta, seconded by a recent report on US fat threatening national security: Hollywood considers a related movie named 'Fat Zone')

"What will be the future of the individual imagination in what is usually called the 'civilization of the image'? Will the power of evoking images of things that are not there continue to develop in a human race increasingly inundated by a flood of prefabricated images? At one time the visual memory of an individual was limited to the heritage of his direct experiences and to a restricted repertory of images reflected in culture. The possibility of giving form to personal myths arose from the way in which the fragments of this memory came together in unexpected and evocative combinations. We are bombarded today by such a quantity of images that we can no longer distinguish direct experience from what we have seen for a few seconds on television. The memory is littered with bits and pieces of images, like a rubbish dump, and it is more and more unlikely that any one form among so many will succeed in standing out."

Italo Calvino, Six memos for the next millenium, 1988.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Please, Sin all along the veil & take the unspeakable out of me #88

(2sd picture: Reza Nader)

2008 / ..., Credit-crunch got me but spring is unchanged #52

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.
Thomas Jefferson 1802

Saturday, April 24, 2010

XXIst century's icons & myths mapping our daily roaming en el Laberinto de la soledad #27 (the Minotaur)

(Young New-York-based artist already spotted by the Saatchi gallery: Ms Aurel Schmidt, 'Master of the Universe/FlexMaster 3000')

Curtain up.
He stepped in the room, stayed in surprise before the painting and MelGibsoned his voice: «What the fuke is going on there?»
She JuliaRobertsed her smile and softy pinpointed: «Fuck, we say fuck, not fuke.»
«Whatever... Is really this my portrait? This fag-bull?». He hip-hoped his voice and naturally grabbed his crotch: « I do not understand... I thought I was your coolness, your tanned sex-toy... At least, that is what you whisper, baby...»
«Honeypie, barman of my libido, you’re right, you are all of this indeed and even more... But, remember my lover #1: you’re a man as well.»
He DarthVadered his sigh, unsatisfied: «Darling, gold of my hands, pendant of my desire, you’re the one who studied art, you’re the one supposed to remember that Picasso embodied the Minotaur with more... confidence...»
«Yearh, she MegRyaned, but he was a Galician redneck, a communist who supported androcracy... His vision of the world is a souvenir by now.»
She walked in his direction «You, my dickiest dick, you’re a man of the XXIst century: you are sweat, attentive, you show respect and you are in full agreement with the market-forces.» She Brooklyned her conclusion: «Ya see whatta mean?»
«Baby, soft-breast of my bed, hotissima lust, you could be right, but - he lighted a cancerous but stylish cigarette- why do you need to put this into a tragedy? Look what you’ve done to my song, he MTVed.
«I am a Minotaur of empty cans of beer! I am made of consumed butts! All around my promising pink limb! God dam’it he Buckowskyied.
«My muscles -you love usually them so much- become purposeless and serve as a pastel branch where a Tity Bird sits! My dickiest dick of the dreamed dicks is a strengthless pinkness! My needed BlackBerry™ is a fetish that fools no one...»
He paused, inhale a thought and ChristopherWalkened: «Look at those shoes, how a Minotaur could walk with this urban and fashionable shoes, where are my Nikes? Some Italian shoes for a Minotaur supposedly based in Crete, come on! Fuke! Fuke! This man is supposed to master a labyrinth for Christ's sakke!».
Being upset reinforced his German accent but she stayed mute.
He then TomHanksed: «Honey, siren of my tears, you make me feel as if I have no credibility. It is hard to exist in you eyes after this.»
She HillaryClintoned him: «Come here, Minotaur of my house...». She lowed her hands «I even omitted to paint your pendent balls... But ya know, she SharonStoned, that is the truth of our time... ‘The Minotaur is the symptom of the woman’, as would say my professor.»
«Besides, she LaurenBacalled, these are your actual shoes when you go to work...»
While he nervously smashed the ending cigarette in the pink ashtray, he FoxNews-backed: «Cybele of my town, spouse of my VISA, I only hope you’ll get a lot from this painting in your gallery, precisely: as much as it costs me.»
«Be fearless my colourful bull, believe me» she BarbaraCartlanded, «Uptown, they will love it».
She caressed his head.
Curtain down.

(Chicago-based Artist & adapting the mythology to our days: Keelan McMorrow) (What Aurel Schmidt cannot paint.)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Please, Sin as if I was an anonymous bottomless oracle #87

(Turkish artist: Ali Alisir)

XXst century's icons & myths mapping our daily roaming en el Laberinto de la soledad #27 (la part des anges)

(Photographer: Lionel Samin)

Please, Sin with me in hurry as my tide is mooning away #86

(& besides a literal illustration of the Liquid Consumer by the Bruxelles-based photographer Lionel Samin)

2008 / ..., Credit-crunch got me but it is a question of time before we go from the G-Spot to iSpots #51

Follow the incredible Chris Harrison, ignore out-dated Philip K. Dick, reify your body for Christ's sake and make your skin as an input surface for your electronic-applications: no more robot, daddy: you are the one now. Spare me the details, I do not want to hear what you will like to do with your secret anatomy, but ramifications seem indeed endless (e.g. British Masochists are reported to apply the idea to the cheek that you will have to slap to active the input surface).
So, dear Greek fellows, stop now complaining & welcome in the world of the ecological "eLabour-Power" that daddy Marx ignored; emigrate, leave your tie, leave your suit, pay your debt & endow the IMF/EU bank-accounts with the movable & employable 'input surface' of your body: "no PVC, no African wood, but a very sustainable-energy, a Greek is what you need".

Pêche & rejoins-moi, solaire #85

"Une brune de 15 ans, une brune au quinzième degré. Le visage est plein de sable, de jaunisse et de confiture. Longue, longue, longue fille Deux jambes avec un nez dessus et un sexe entre. Les cheveux par-dessus le marché. Frais dans ce visage d'épine-vinette, il y a des yeux d'érable. L'aiguillon, c'est la langue, et les bœufs les joues. Le front maigre et rectangulaire d'un corbeau. Au second plan, comme deux lunes rousses, les seins.
Corne c'est peut-être la plus sympathique, mais à coup sûr la plus grasse. Elle a de pleines mains de graisse et les joues roulées dans le suif. Elle a dix-sept ans et son ventre neuf mois de plus. Je ne veux pas dire qu'elle est grosse, mais grasse. Les mots en asse fournissent des rimes très sensuelles, des rimes qui forniquent. Ça sent la vache, l'anus et Madame Butterfly. Autour de la scène, une atmosphère chaude, toute en vapeur, une de ces atmosphères qui bouchent les oreilles et crèvent les yeux. Corne, corne de mélancolie".
Extrait de Choléra (1923), Joseph Delteil, Œuvres complètes (Grasset), page 115

Thursday, April 22, 2010

2008 / ..., Credit-crunch got me but I am secure now as leaders guaranteed that Efficiency will produce less Unequity, for sure #50

(Note: This is not a tribute to Mark Rothko or to Barnett Newman)
(Click on the colour to read the flag)
(Apologies, there is no credit-crunched Greek flag)
(Portuguese designer Luis Dias Silva for Portuguese magazine 'Grande Reportagem', 2008) (Internet is like the unconscious: there is no sense of time)

XXIst century's icons & myths mapping our daily roaming en el Laberinto de la soledad #26 (when reading printed pages was not luxury)

Now try to do that with an iPad.

Please, Sin as if it was riskless #84

(Cover designed by Michael Salu for the UK-based magazine 'Granta', created in 1889 and re-born in 1979 and probably born again with its adaptation to internet)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Style is what remains once chaos put you down #10 (Keith Elam, a.k.a. Guru - July 17, 1966–April 19, 2010)

A hip-hop singer in love with live-jazz music and that does not need regular close-up on his golden balls to show his manhood up in Parkinson's-style video-clip cannot be a bad person.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

No Time yet for Serenity, even for a Brestoise #23

Epiphany is hard Labour too #42

La dématérialisation est la grammaire contemporaine pour traiter ce qu’autrefois on appela peinture.
Ulrike Bolenz peint cela.
Il ne s’agit plus au XXIè siècle de peindre l’homme ontologique, la femme ontologique ou ses qualités éternelles (l’Amour, la Melancholia, le Pêché, etc) mais de montrer ce qu’il en reste à ce jour globalisé: ce que la suisse Rist Pipilotti dans une installation imposa en grand à Times Square en 2000, à savoir un corps prisonnier du media (sa vidéo montrait son visage coincé contre l’écran géant qui surplombait les traces laissées sur la ville par les autres annonces marchandes).
Le néant que maîtrisait la religion ou le paternalisme, on le sait, a cédé la place à l’infini que la technologie essaye maintenant d’habiter.
La solitude est dans ce nouvel étau.
Ulrike Bolenz l’enregistre.
La science-fiction l'a fait il y a déjà longtemps; mais il ne s'agit pas d'imaginer, il s'agit de montrer.
On a alors le choix: on peut continuer à peindre le néant, son organisme, ses mouvements comme s’y attache le français Pierre Soulage; on peut considérer la technologie humanisée de demain, à la manière du cloaqua du belge Wim Delvoye. Ou bien choisit-on comme l’allemand Ulrike Bolenz de se pencher sur le malaise de cet homme technologisé.
L’artiste allemand l’isole et l’expose.
Ses corps sont pris dans les rets de cette solitude technologique; ils se débatent avec leur destin d’hologrammes.
Il leur arrive de danser sur ce sort.
Le plus souvent ça ne danse pas et de la chair coule dans les matières transparentes de verre et de plexiglasse.
L’ontologie n’a finalement pas disparu: les corps sont académiques, le narcissisme n’est pas invité, c'est de la majuscule dont on traite ici, de l'Homme, et à y regarder de plus près on finit par deviner ce que l’hologramme n’étouffe pas derrière le verre et le plexiglasse d’Ulrike Bolenz: précisément que la chair ne se laisse pas faire et que la messe n'est pas encore dite.

(Bruxelles, gallerie Libre Cours, 23 avril/29 mai 2010)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Le XXIè siècle, ses icônes, ses mythes cartographiant notre passage dans le labyrinthe de la solitude #25

(Sleeveface & afficionados Brice You/Max)

Je mets dans mes peintures la lumière qui n'existe pas en mon pays #39

(dans la Venise de tes yeux)

Je mets dans mes peintures la lumière qui n'existe pas en mon pays #38

(dans la Venise de tes yeux)

2008 / ..., Credit-crunch got me but not, in the homeland of the City, Mr Imbue #49

'Smash for cash'
London-based artist: Imbue.
The Greek government could patent the idea.

XXIst century's icons & myths mapping our daily roaming en el Laberinto de la soledad #24 (ideals are actually dead angels)

Danish artist: Peter Callesen.

2008 / ..., Credit-crunch got me & like Aloe Blacc would say on the globalised transistors "I need a dollar" #48

As there is no other choice than to dance -alone or in good company- on the misfortunes of it, click here.
(thanks to Camille)

2008 / ..., Credit-crunch got me but not the rivalry between Mr Van Rompuy & Mr Barroso #47

While speculating on the end of the wild rivalry between the permanent European Council President & the European Commission's President (the Rolling Stones vs the Beatles is a soft hug in comparison), one can make a smiling break and learn - as reported by the F.T.- that it did not take a long time before Mr Barroso reacted to the now-public Mr Van Rompuy's inclination for Haiku poetry and recently unveiled the harsh truth:
Actually, "President Barroso’s first love has always been folk music, spoken-word poetry and painting. He just does all the other stuff to the pay the bills.".
European summits are likely to take another shape if rivalry goes on...
Who said the EU is techno-dull?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Please, Sin like a good homo sapiens sapiens guy would do #84

(Shooter: the talented & controversial Szymon Brodziak)

Pêche, dans l'amour de ton prochain #84

"Jeune homme, réjouis-toi dans ta jeunesse; que ton cœur te donne de la joie dans les jours de ta jeunesse! Marche dans les voies de ton cœur, et selon les regards de tes yeux; mais sache que pour tout cela Dieu te fera venir en jugement." L'Ecclésiaste,
(Version Chanoine Crampon - 1923), chapitre 11, 9.

XXIst century's icons & myths & syncretism mapping our daily roaming en el Laberinto de la soledad #23

les psychotiques sont des animistes comme les autres #30

"Bunny Project at Kalmar Konstmuseum, Sweden 2008
Performance commissioned by Kalmar Museum of Art, Sweden. During the inauguration of the new art museum in Kalmar a suspicious individual sneaked around the premises mounting sculptures made of carrots, alarm clocks, red and blue cables, metal wire and tape. On direct orders from the Swedish secret police the performance was stopped since the Culture Minister refused to give her inaugural speech if it were to continue. The speech , as it later turned out, was about how art must be allowed to be free and provocative".

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pêche, comme à l'époque où tu étais mon or, où tu étais mon lit #83

2008 / ..., Credit-crunch got me pero no la obstinaciòn del juez Baltazar Garzòn #46

El juez Baltasar Garzón será juzgado por excederse presuntamente en sus competencias legales al abrir una investigación sobre los crímenes del franquismo, según un auto hecho público el miércoles por el Tribunal Supremo español. Profesores de las universidades de Francia estan haciendo una peticiòn para su protecciòn.

les psychotiques sont des animistes comme les autres #29

'Corancancan' by British artist Nick Walker on the spoken walls of Paris (March 2010) in an attempt to realease the French headache following the hot debate on the burqa.

Please, Sin hard my child & put your innocent teeth in the oozing flesh of my biblical fruit #82

(lifted from your electronic-Angst)

2008 / ..., Credit-crunch got me but not the States' needs to regulate Internet #46

Some people around clean tables think that eJoy should be submitted to a more efficient monitoring:
Since Spring 2008, the EU, the US, Japan, Canada, South Korea, Australia as well as a few other countries have been secretly negotiating a trade agreement aimed at enforcing copyright and tackling counterfeited goods (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, 'ACTA').
Specifically, leaked documents show that one of the major goal of the treaty would be to force signatory countries into implementing anti file-sharing policies. Worries are as follows:
-the Acta legal framework could result in "large scale monitoring of internet users" and
- in the international imposition of 'three strikes' laws, such as that recently passed in France, which cuts off internet access of people accused of illegal downloading, and consequently
- flouts agreed EU laws on counterfeiting and piracy online.
Adaptation of copyright to the digital age is economically tricky and this treaty has so far bypassed democratic processes in order to prepare a globalised-regulatory regime of internet.
The French La Quadrature du Net has nevertheless recently leaked a consolidated version of ACTA and members of the European Parliament have expressed their displeasure for having once again been set aside from the negotiations: the official draft text will be finally made public next Wednesday in the EU and in the US.
Some people around clean tables think that running a globalised-Leviathan is particularly exhausting.

XXIst century's icons & myths & great balls of fire mapping our daily roaming en el Laberinto de la soledad #22

Not a new Coca-Cola advertising, not a Cosmic-Djihad but rather a disqualification of the NASA for absence of due & intelligible information (US astronomy is apparently a borning science in 2010): this is under CNN's words -that God Jerry Lee Lewis would have seconded- a "massive fireball" in the Empire's sky.
"The fireball was visible for about 15 minutes beginning about 10 p.m., said the National Weather Service in Sullivan, Wisconsin". The video posted by CNN makes fun of Hollywood's industry and is doomed to happily hit internet for days.
Should the hairy fireball be seen in India, this is the opportunity for creating a new divinity; in old-Europe, the absence of technocratic prediction would have spotted the lack of political institutions' competence; in China, the capitalo-communist pollution would have preventing the sight of it; but in the US, we look forward reading the paranoiac reaction of Sarah Pallin & her fans.
Burn it Jerry.

Friday, April 16, 2010

les psychotiques sont des animistes comme les autres #28

Spanish artist SpY updates our urban sublimations without waiting for the next towns' public procurement for paid contemporary art.

2008 / ..., Credit-crunch got me & anthropophagy becomes an interesting option #45

(lifted from the eWonderland: Sophisticated Funk) Par ailleurs, comme convenu, les brestois raflent la mise: l'apéro géant y est une pratique quasi-quotidienne qu'il vente, qu'il pleuve, aussi prennent-ils au mot la République et décident en effet qu'"ensemble tout est possible" (7.000 larrons quand-même ont rendu hommage à Bacchus et se sont réunis pour apéritiver ensemble) pour incidemment ridiculiser dans la joie qui accompagne l'absence d'effort les rennais (4.000 pratiquants du dernier apéro géant), les nantais (2.200 pratiquants - "A vaincre sans péril...") & le reste de l'orient du continent jusqu'à l'Oural.

Friday, April 9, 2010

No Time yet for Serenity, even for a Brestoise #22

In Australia, Blondes paid more than other women (but it is unsure whether blonde intellectuals are concerned) & the good news is that there is absolutly no identified reasons to explain this matter of bare facts of basic instincts.
Now, give me back my wig.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Please, Sin as if you could contain me #81

(Using oils, acrylics, crayon and mixed media, London-based artist - & quite famous if I understand well- David Chloe)