If your Eros is credit-crunched and your Thanatos is in viagra-shape, do not hesitate to Tango on this persisting Madoff-mood like Juan Carlos Caceres invited us to do yesterday. In his Concert in Molière Theater in Brussels with its Tango Negro Trio, he played repeatedly and on purpose La Retirada, una milonga which usually concludes the end of the Buenos Aires' carnaval, 'la murga' ("La vida es una milonga" is a popular say in Argentina).
Click on the red for details on Eros.
Click on the Argentinian beard for further indications on the milonga.
"No es la verdad que 'la vida es un tango'. Qué cliché. Es el contrario: el tango es una vida de tres minutos que no se necessita spectadores" (Astor Borgès).